What is Frigidity

For a long time the term “frigidity” was used to describe the absence of sexual desire. Today they try not to use it, replacing the term “frigidity in women and men” with synonyms: “orgasmic dysfunction,” “sexual coldness,” and anaphrodisia.

The reason for this decision is the psychological aspect of the problem. The condition is identified in both women and men, but treatment tactics differ depending on gender.

What is frigidity?

Frigidity or sexual dysfunction is a condition that is indicated by an absence of desire. A person is not fully aroused, physiological discharge is insufficient. Additionally, women note the appearance of painfulness during intercourse.

To find out the reasons, the doctor carries out differential diagnosis:

  • anamnesis;
  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound or MRI of the pelvic organs;
  • Laboratory evaluation of the hormonal background.

If organic lesion is excluded, consultation with a psychologist, a sexologist is required.

By the way, both women and men suffer from hypolibidemia (as frigidity is officially called).

It is important to distinguish between impotence and a decrease in desire. The danger of the former is in persistent erectile dysfunction, often without the possibility of recovery.


Manifested by nonspecific changes, that’s why they are rarely paid attention to.

In women.

The detectability is low due to the lack of visible symptoms, the withdrawal of some patients. Usually frigidity in women is accompanied by the following complaints:

  • Emotional lability combined with increased irritability, nervous excitement;
  • minimal emotional coloring, bouts of apathy, sleepiness;
  • heaviness in the chest, weakness of muscles;
  • painfulness during sexual intercourse, insufficient production of vaginal secretion;
  • Lack of need for sex, lack of desire to experiment.

In addition to sexual and gynecological problems, it also affects your general well-being. Fatigue, nightmares, nervousness, and aversion to touching confirm the cause. Address the symptoms in women must be addressed consistently, starting with the psychological side of the problem. Focusing only on physiology runs the risk of worsening the situation.

In men

Frigidity in men develops cyclically:

The quality of sexual life decreases, sexual intercourse is not satisfying.
Erection lasts no more than 5 minutes, physiological orgasm may not occur.
Sexual desire decreases, which provokes a deficiency in male hormones.
Stress, irritability increase, the ability to make quick decisions decreases.
Changes many times worsen intimate life, women’s attractiveness falls.


Factors that lead to sexual rigidity are:

  • Organic – venereal, gynecological, urological diseases.
  • Hormonal, occurring in women during the breastfeeding period.
  • Psychological – the most difficult to correct.

In the presence of gynecological abnormalities, intercourse may be accompanied by pain, discomfort. Expectation of unpleasant sensations leads to the forced elimination of sex from life. Until the underlying cause is cured, the desire will not be restored.

During lactation, a hormonal imbalance is triggered, provoking a decrease in the need for intimacy. After the end of natural feeding, the desire returns to normal.

Under the influence of intrafamilial rules, a girl can form a false idea about sex. Uncertainty about her attractiveness, isolation, shyness increase anaphrodiasia. Psychosomatics is poorly treatable. It is necessary to restore the lost function and learn to adequately perceive yourself, listen to your needs.


Several successive degrees are distinguished:

  • 1 degree: intimate contact is accompanied by moral satisfaction, orgasm does not always complete the intercourse;
  • Stage 2: Sexual relations move into the category of obligations, pleasure does not bring, performed to prevent resentment from the spouse;
  • 3rd degree: physical pain appears from the thought of impending intimacy, women develop vaginismus.

The second version of the classification is based on the cause of frigidity.

How to treat frigidity?

There is a huge selection of drugs, active supplements, homeopathy that increase libido in pharmacies. Doctors recommend not self-medicate. All drugs have a range of side effects. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a study of health indicators in advance.

There is no single pill that would solve all problems. The treatment of frigidity needs to be comprehensive.

Psychological help

Psychologists recommend paying attention to your spouse through:

  • joint outings, trips;
  • Discussion of interesting events, sexual desires and needs;
  • Surprises – a romantic dinner, a repeat of the first date that will excite mutual interest.

Periodic emotional shake-up renews relationships, gets rid of stagnation in family life. If the problem is chronic in nature, it is difficult to get out of them by yourself, contact a family therapist. With the help of hypnosis, psychological tests, therapeutic techniques, the doctor will quickly find out the source of the problem.

Tips of a sexologist and psychotherapist

Specialists in family psychology (in particular, sexologist Kulgavchuk E.A.) attach great importance to intrafamily relationships, regardless of the age of the couple. They recommend paying more attention to your wife and husband, getting to know their passions, making little surprises, and relaxing from everyday life. They advise to live brightly, richly.
Call to give yourself brief periods of rest. If you can send children on weekends to grandparents, do not miss the chance.
Joint rest restores attractiveness of the partner.


Frigidity is not a sentence, not a fatal disease that requires hospitalization. But it worsens the quality of life, taking away an important sexual component. To prevent it, adhere to doctors’ recommendations for family harmony and a healthy lifestyle.

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